Best Practice Configurations for OfficeScan 10.0

Applying Latest Patch(es) for OSCE 10.0
To find out the latest patches, refer to

 Configuring Manual Scan Settings
1. On the OSCE Server, login to the Management Console
2. Go to Networked Computers > Client Management
3. Select the group/container you wish to apply the settings to
4. Click on Settings > Manual Scan Settings
5. Configure the Target tab
6. Files to Scan -> All Scannable files
7. Scan Settings -> Scan hidden folders, Scan network drive, Scan compressed files
8. Virus /Malware Scan Settings Only -> Scan boot area, Enable Intellitrap
9. CPU Usage -> Medium: pause slightly between file scans
10. Configure the Action tab
11. Virus/Malware -> Use a specific action for each virus/malware type:
12. Use the same action for all malware types -> 1st action: Clean , 2nd action: Delete or Quarantine
13. Spyware/Grayware -> Clean: OfficeScan will terminate processes or delete registries, files, cookies and shortcuts.

Note: If you apply this globally to all clients, make sure that there are no defined exclusions yet, otherwise, it will be overwritten.

Configuring Real-time Scan Settings
1. On the OSCE Server, login to the Management Console
2. Go to Networked Computers > Client Management
3. Select the group/container you wish to apply the settings to
4. Click on Settings > Real-time Scan Settings
5. Enable virus/malware scan and Enable spyware/grayware scan
6. Configure the Target tab.
7. User Activity on Files -> Scan files being: created/modified and retrieved
8. Files to Scan -> Files types scanned by IntelliScan
9. Scan Settings -> Scan network drive, scan compressed files
10. Virus/Malware Scan Settings Only  Enable Intellitrap
11. Scan Exclusion ->Enable Scan exclusion
12. Configure the Action tab
13. Use the same action for all malware types -> 1st action: Clean , 2nd action: Delete or Quarantine

Note: If you apply this globally to all clients, make sure that there are no defined exclusions yet, otherwise, it will be overwritten.
